
I learn so much every time I open a book by Sanaya Roman. Sanaya says the books are actually written by Orin, a spirit guide, whose teachings she channels. This may put some of you off. But I say, get over it! The books are so good I often carry one  with me as I go about my day; opening the book at random always leads to a quick shot of insight that is relevant for me. The wisdom in these books is simple and profound, with the potential to be life-changing. Begin with the three books in the Earth-Life series, Living with Joy, Spiritual Growth, and Personal Power through Awareness. Click here to browse Sanaya’s books and purchase if you like.

Advanced Style. I recommend this one just because it’s an interesting look at the style of some audacious over-seventies, not because I really consider them authentic beauties. Authentic, but not beauties to my way of thinking.

Iris Apfel A little blurb about Iris is on my “Beauties” page. She is one of a kind and deserves her own book.

I am so excited about this book. It’s purported to be life-changing, and I think it just might be. “It’s Never too Late to Begin Again” by Julia Cameron is lifting my doldrums. I know that this book has motivated me to return to this blog and begin to put myself out there (actually a pretty safe proposition, since, as far as I know, absolutely no one reads it.

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