Waking up my Heart

Each morning I wake up, assess my body, take a couple Tylenol, sit on hot pad, drink a cup of tea, check the headlines, write in this journal. If my body doesn’t feel too bad, and there are no new humanitarian catastrophes or work crises, I call it a good day. My heart, while it isn’t particularly peaceful, is not riven by fear or anxiety. It is numb. That is is a good thing for clear communication and getting things done at work. But I miss the passion I felt In my thirties. My heart cried out, yearned for love. “I am on a lonely road and I am wandering…” Joni sang it for me. I listen to her now on YouTube; the heartache swells once more and I welcome the aliveness of it. Ever the seeker, I am still searching for love, within my own heart now. I know it is there, waiting to be set free.

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