As I was Saying…

I’m back to see if anyone has landed on this page since I was last here a year and a half ago. Lately I’ve been following Instagram links about internet get-rich-quick-schemes, thinking maybe this website is the key to my financial future! But really it just feels good to be writing again. The last year has been filled with health, money, and other issues that I’d just as soon forget about. Sometimes I blame it all on turning eighty; other times I think it’s just part of life’s random suckiness. Anyhow, doesn’t matter. I’m here now; I have a new hip and don’t walk like an old lady anymore, as long as I keep up with my walks and PT exercises. All of which is time-consuming but worth it, so I’m disciplined. This month I had COVID and was sedentary for three weeks; it made a difference in my mobility afterwards, which motivated me to get back on track, so to speak, at the local high school. Then there’s the matter of my teeth; I’ll have new ones in about a month after a year and a half of healing and attempted regeneration of bone following a fractured implant. I was the one in five hundred who suffers one. Sounded like good odds at the time… Here in Northern California we are enjoying (!) a recurrence of chilly rain after a couple days’ reprieve. I got out and moving early today to make the most of it. I do not enjoy walking in the rain very much, though I can do it. My walking buddy, Judy doesn’t walk in the rain. I miss her, chatting and laughing together makes the laps go so much easier. We are counting the days till spring: 54.