Eighty is Different

I started this blog to celebrate being seventy. I was feeling good. My world seemed to be opening up, I found a spiritual path, Sivananda Yoga, I was growing stronger and more flexible every day from practicing yoga, I earned my 200 hour certification as a yoga teacher, which excited me because I wanted to share the growth and joy I was experiencing. I felt as if I was someone! Now I am here to celebrate being eighty. This year I experienced financial issues and health issues that I don’t even want to talk about. But now I’m back on my feet…or I will be soon. I’m in line for a hip replacement. For a couple years I warded this off by doing lots of physical therapy, taking OTC remedies, homeopathy, acupuncture, various mind/body therapies, subliminal healing videos on YouTube, releasing psychological traumas (at least attempting to), and meditating. But as much as I didn’t want to, this year I faced it. I need a hip replacement. And at this point I need it so much that I can’t wait to have it! Except that a dental implant fractured and required major reconstructive surgery to my jaw, and I can’t have the hip surgery till the dentist releases me, which is taking months. Just to set the scene, I’m using a walker and loving it; and I’m in danger of losing an alarming number of teeth. All this is not an image I am happy to project, but I’m putting it out there anyway!

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