Old Lady

Think I’ll share the ups and downs of hip replacement. I went through a couple years of procrastination and false hope that my life need not be impacted by hip pain, but when my physical therapist Li said “Hip replacements are good!” and asked whether my insurance would provide a walker, I knew it was time to consult with an orthopedist. I hadn’t wanted to do that because I was pretty sure the recommendation would be surgery. After taking a tumble and fracturing my hip five years ago I recovered with minimal loss of strength and agility. Why all the scary statistics about life expectancy after fracture? I was special! I was good as new! Until I wasn’t a couple years later, and started having pain in my groin and thigh. Being a firm believer in the mind body connection I blamed my pain on my Larry’s sons’ unkindness to me after his death. I had acupuncture. I worked hard with Li, and was able to walk a mile a day without support. But then I went through a stressful time; the pain worsened and I reluctantly started to use a cane. I, who took such pride in my youthful energy and demeanor was now an old lady.

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